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Five Tips For Buying A Home Entertainment System
By Ross MacIvar, Sat Dec 10th

b>Five Tips When Buying a Home Entertainment System

Looking for a new home entertainment system? Here are five tipsfor choosing the best model for your home environment.

1. Choose a system that can be expanded. Most of your musiccollection may be on CDs, but with the growing popularity of DVDaudio you don't want to be left behind. Even if you are onlyinterested in stereo sound make sure you buy a system that canbe adapted to new technologies. This includes video as well asaudio mediums. Buy a stereo system for now, but make sure it hassurround sound capabilities.

Also consider whether you want your home entertainment systemaccessible in different parts of the house. An expandable systemallows you to place speaker systems and playback modules indifferent rooms so that you can enjoy home entertainmentthroughout the house.

2. Buy a system with enough power. This goes hand-in-hand withthe previous tip. Don't buy a unit which has just enough powerfor your current needs, but rather, think about how you will beexpand it in the future. Surround sound speaker systems requiremore power than stereo, and satellite speakers systems installedin other rooms also require extra power.

Dedicated power amps for different parts of your homeentertainment system can make a vast difference in the qualityof sound. For example, a subwoofer amp can take the load off therest of your system will providing

massively deep bass sounds.

3. Choose a system that matches your entertainment preferences.If you are mainly interested in DVD video a surround soundspeaker system can add amazing authenticity to your viewingexperience. On the other hand, if you mostly listen to classicalmusic, divide your budget so that you can get a good set ofstereo speakers. If you like rap or hip-hop you should choosespeakers designed for bass heavy music -- a subwoofer is anecessity.

4. Make it backwards compatible. Many people still have asizable collection of VHS tapes and vinyl records. Rather thanthrowing out these valuable sources of entertainment, make sureyour new entertainment system can handle them.

5. Buy the best you can afford. It's a waste of money to buyinferior components for your home entertainment system. You willquickly become dissatisfied with them and end up ditching them.If you have a limited budget, divide it up wisely. Rather thanstarting with a full-featured audio and video home entertainmentsystem, concentrate on a few components. As long as your systemis expandable, you can continue adding new features as yourbudget allows.


About the author:Ross is an audio enthusiast and author of the Audio How To Section of the http://www.selected-audio-reviews.com/

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